
Lat. Clupea Harengus

Matjes has an important place in the Norwegian culture. Norway has long, dark winter nights and herring has provided a much-needed source of vitamin D. It is also a good source of protein and healthy fats. Matjes is a marinated and de-headed product from North Sea Herring.

ICES classifies the stock as being at full reproductive capacity and as being harvested sustainably, but considers that the stock is still in a low productivity phase.

The North Sea herring is a pelagic fish, which is found in the North Sea and Skagerak. When it is time for spawning it travels west in the North Sea, and can be found even as far south as the English Channel. Spawning: August – September, mainly north of Scotland and south of Shetland. After the spawning the herring migrates back to the North Sea.

It requires specific bottom substrate for spawning, from coarse gravel to small stones, where the eggs are attached. It reaches maturity at the age of three to four years. The number of eggs produced by the female varies from 10 000 to 60 000, depending on the length of the fish. The main spawning grounds are in the Shetland-Orkney area and off the Scottish east coast, where spawning takes place from July to September. The larvae are transported by currents into their nursery areas in the North Sea and Skagerrak/Kattegat where they stay during the first one or two years of their life. Herring is mainly a plankton feeder (calanoid copepods and krill) but will also take small fish like sprat and sand eel. Larvae and immature herring are important food for other species.

Nutrition facts

Herring is an excellent source of vitamins A, D and B12. It has a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids. Exact values will vary according to fat content.

Catching methods

Purse seine Trawl

Product information

Catching season


Month Fat content (%)
June 18-22


7/9, 5/7, 4/6


De-headed and marinated

Packing styles

Vacuum pack

Carton size

20 kg







Horse mackerel

Blue whiting
