Norwegian Spring Spawning herring

Lat. Clupea harengus

The Norwegian Spring Spawning herring is a highly migratory stock that is distributed throughout large parts of the North-East Atlantic during its lifespan. The herring spawns along the Norwegian west coast in February to March. The larvae drift north and northeast to the Norwegian coast and the Barents Sea, where the main areas for immature fish are found. Most of the young herring leave the Barents Sea as three years of age and feed off northern Norway for two years, before recruiting to the spawning stock at 5 years old.

After spawning outside the coast of Ålesund, the herring spreads across the Atlantic Ocean to find food, while the herring fry travels with the ocean flows to the Barents Sea. In September, the fish returns to the Norwegian coast towards Lofoten in the northern part of Norway, and gathers in large shoals. The herring spends the winter months outside Lofoten and Vesterålen. During October to December we produce food herring with excellent fat content and the best taste. In January and February the herring migrates south to the coast outside Ålesund, for spawning. At that time we produce top quality roe herring and roe products.

The Norwegian Spring Spawning herring is a very important species in the ecosystems which it inhabits. The stock is at a sustainable level as a result of a large spawning biomass and a highly functional management plan.

Nutrition facts

Herring is an excellent source of vitamins A, D and B12. It has a high content of EPA and DHA (Omega-3) fatty acids. Exact values will vary according to fat content.

Catching methods

Purse seine and trawl

Product information

Catching season November-February

Month Fat content (%)
Nov. – Dec. 14-17
January 12-16
February 8-12

Gradings whole round fish

200–300 g / 250 g up / 300 g up / 350 g up / 400 g up

Gradings fillets

10–16 / 8–12 / 6–10 / 5–8 / 4–7 / 4–6 pcs/kg

Size grading of fillets, flaps and whole round herring can be adjusted in accordance with customer preferences.


Frozen, fresh, salted, marinated, spiced.

Herring flaps
Double fillets (flaps) are produced by removing the backbone but without removing the skin.

Packing styles

Jumble packed and hand laid/vacuum packed, barrels and tubs.

Carton size 7/20 kg







Horse mackerel

Blue whiting
