
Lat. Ammodytidae

The preferential habitat for sand eels is a seabed floor, with a relatively smooth bottom of gravelly sand; an example of this prime habitat is the floor of the Sea of the Hebrides.

The sandeel can be found in large parts of the North Sea. In January and February, it migrates towards the coast of North Norway, and when it is time to spawn, it moves into the fjords of Troms and Finnmark. There is also capelin north of Iceland, that migrates to the southwest coast of Iceland when they are ready to spawn.

Nutrition facts

Sandeel is an excellent source of vitamins A, D and B12. It has a high content of EPA and DHA (Omega-3) fatty acids. Exact values will vary according to fat content.

Catching methods

Purse seine Trawl

Product information

Catching season April-June

Month Fat content (%)
April 2-6
May 6-13
June 6-13

Gradings whole round fish

Grading according to buyer specifications. Grading of female/male. Ocean run (mixed)
Size: 25 pcs/kg – 75 pcs/kg

Processed Round frozen.

Packing styles Jumble pack.

Carton size 20 kg







Horse mackerel

Blue whiting
